On March 29, 2021 the Provincial Health Officer issued extensive public health measures, to be in effect until April 19, or until further notice. We announced those guidelines in an update here.

Part of that guidance included recommendations for temporary changes to mask use in school settings. These guidelines remain in effect, as we have not received notice to the contrary.

All families, all contractors and any learners in grades 4 and up (ages 9-10 and up) must wear a mask anytime services are being provided indoors (in homes, offices, or learning centres, etc), except when:

  • There is a barrier in place.
  • Eating or drinking.
  • Learners do not tolerate it (for health or behavioural reasons) or if they cannot put the mask on or off without assistance. Face shields can be worn in place of masks when communicating using lip-reading, when visual facial cues are essential, or when people may be unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition.

Wearing a mask does not replace physical distancing. 

Review the guidance on selecting and using masks.

If learners and/or parents are sharing a vehicle with a SelfDesign contractor, all adults as well as learners grade 4 and up (ages 9-10 and up) must wear a mask. If possible, younger learners are encouraged to wear them as well.

Families of learners in Kindergarten to grade 3 (ages 4-9) can decide whether the learners will wear a mask.

Please note that safety protocols set out by the Provincial Health Officer, the Ministry of Education and outlined in SelfDesign’s guidelines apply to individuals even after they have been vaccinated.

This update is in effect until further notice. Unless revised, the guidance in this update is to be used in place of the masking guidance found in SelfDesign’s Covid-19 health and safety guidelines.